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1- Bahir Dar Institute of Technology , tenaw.tegbar@bdu.edu.et
2- Faculty of Production Engineering, Integrated Product Development, University of Bremen, Germany
3- Bahir Dar Institute of Technology
Abstract:   (228 Views)
So far, a number of models for measuring supply chain performance (SCP) have been proposed. The supply chain operation reference (SCOR) model has been suggested as the most important model for the manufacturing industry. However, none of the models, including the SCOR model, are complete enough for measuring the overall SCP of manufacturing firms. In practice, the SCOR model is used only in some of the many steps required to measure the overall SCP. In addition, it lacks features that enable it to determine which supply chain components have the most or least contribution to the overall SCP. Furthermore, even though the model is meant to be a reference mode-as its name implies-it does not include numerically set performance standards for the various levels of SCP achievements that may be used for benchmarking. This study develops a complete supply chain operations measurement (C-SCOM) model that has many features. It is developed mainly by combining the best features of the existing models extracted from 91 high-standard articles employing a systematic literature review (SLR) approach. The proposed model is unique in its explicitness for real-world industrial applications. It consists of four main components and provides users with the ability to calculate the overall SCP, conduct gap analysis, conduct benchmarks, and link the outputs of the gap analysis to existing supply chain management practices. Validation has been performed using the fuzzy Delphi method, with 17 experts from the manufacturing industry providing their opinions. The validation confirms that the proposed model could tackle the real problem that manufacturing firms have due to the lack of a comprehensive and user-friendly SCP measurement model. Finally, this paper contributes to the body of knowledge by presenting an alternative approach to measuring the performance of the manufacturing supply chain.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Logistic & Apply Chain
Received: 2024/10/9 | Accepted: 2025/01/18

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