Volume 34, Issue 2 (IJIEPR 2023)                   IJIEPR 2023, 34(2): 1-14 | Back to browse issues page

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Kamarudin N, bakri M H, Nizam N Z, Mat Sani A, Khodri Harahap A Z M. The Impact of Micromanage Issue Among Manufacturing Industry: Employees Perception and Job Satisfaction. IJIEPR 2023; 34 (2) :1-14
URL: http://ijiepr.iust.ac.ir/article-1-1709-en.html
1- Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
2- universiti teknikal malaysia melaka , hariri@utem.edu.my
4- Faculty of Business and Management MARA Technological University (UITM) Terengganu Branch,23000 Sura Hujung Dungun, Terengganu. MalaysiaMalaysia
Abstract:   (3019 Views)
Leadership is an important factor in the social relationships of line in the workplace. Consider as the main factor that affects and forms group behavior in every organization known since the time of ancient. Practically, it involves employees who appreciate the feeling of a strong commitment to accomplishing organizational goals and long-term objectives inside the company. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of micromanagement leadership style on employee perception on job satisfaction in the manufacturing industry at Malacca. Thus, leadership styles can fortunately, influence or greatly affect job satisfaction in workplace performance. Micromanagement leadership style has comparatively more negative effects on an employee’s behavior and commitment towards the effort in the workplace. This creates a sense of perceived stress managing to behave in an ineffective approach. A descriptive study was used to understand employee perceptions of micromanage leadership styles that affect job satisfaction. A total of 97 respondents among manager level from the Malacca state of Malaysia’s manufacturing industry was collected with the level of manager’s range 27 to 55 years of age. Situational leadership theory conducted this study to discover how a micromanaged leadership style influences employee perception that impacts an employee’s job satisfaction. The primary research question focused on positive and negative employee perceptions related to managers’ leadership behaviors and attributes. The study found that employee perception by micromanaging leadership style affects an employee’s job satisfaction with the correlation coefficient between overall job satisfaction and main factors for job satisfaction recognition at work and personal growth were (0.79) and (0.85) respectively. There were statistically significant differences in age group, working experience and position (P<0.05). The result showed Cronbach alpha 0.708 internal consistency acceptable affect the variables. Micromanagement had reduced productivity, lower morality, loss of trust, less teamwork involvement, less personal growth and reduced innovation. Therefore, consideration of an employee's knowledge, skills, experience, attitude, and motivation is essential for job satisfaction to enhance high productivity and efficiency.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Productivity Improvement
Received: 2023/02/5 | Accepted: 2023/02/20 | Published: 2023/05/27

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