translator of four English books
Personal Data
Seyyed Mohammad Taghi,Fatemi Ghomi
was born in Ghom,Iran on 11 March 1952.He received his B.S. degree in industrial engineering from Sharif University,Tehran in 1973,and the Ph.D. degree in industrial engineering from University of Bradford,England in 1980.He worked as planning and control expert in the group of construction and cement industries,a group of Organization of National Industries of Iran during the years 1980-1983. Also he founded the department of industrial training in the aformentioned organization in 1981.He joined to the Amirkabir University of Technology in Tehran-Iran as a faculty member in 1983.He is the author and co-author of more than 151 technical papers; the title of some of journals he published papers in them are as follows:
published papers
Production Planning & Control
International Journal of Engineering European Journal of Operational ResearchInternational Journal of Project Management
Iranian Journal of Science &Technology
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems(IJAMS)
OMEGA(The International Journal of Management Science)
International Journal of Engineering Science
Amirkabir Journal of Science & Technology
Esteglal Journal of Engineering
Journal of Faculty of Engineering
International Journal of Production Economics
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Journal of the Operational Research Society
International Journal of Management and Decision Making
Quality Engineering
Computers & Industrial Engineering
Applied Soft Computing
Knowledge-Based Systems
Asian Journal of Chemistry
International Journal of Systems Science
Expert Systems with Applications
Theoretical Computer Science
He is author of two books:
1. Production Planning and Control( published by NEDA ,Amirkabir Institute of Publishing,Tehran)
2. Statistical Quality Control( published by Publishing Center of Amirkabir University of Technology,Tehran;the University recognized it as an outstanding book).
Also he is translator of four English books in the area of industrial engineering:
1. System Analysis and Design Using Network Techniques (published by NEDA)
2. Time Series Analysis and Forecasting (published by NEDA)
3. Introduction to Sequencing and Scheduling (published by Publishing Center of Sharif University,Tehran;University of Tehran recognized it as an outstanding book)
4. Fundamentals of Queueing Theory (published by Publishing Center of Imam Hussian University,Tehran);
all the books are in Persian.He has supervised 107 MSc these and 12 PhD theses.His research and teaching interests are in stochastic activity networks, production planning, scheduling, queueing theory ,statistical quality control, and time series analysis and forecasting.He is currently Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at the Amirkabir University of Technology at Tehran,Iran.Amirkabir University of Technology recognized him as one of the best researchers of the years 2004 and 2006.