Journal Format

  Format International Journal of Indsutrial Engineering & Production Research:

*Instruction for authors: 


1. Submission of Manuscript

2. Types of Articles

3. Manuscript Organization

4. Main Text

 1. Submission of Manuscript

The language of the journal is English. Papers should deal with original research not previously published or being considered for publication elsewhere. The submitted paper should be accompanied by a list of 3 potential referees, with names, emails, telephone and fax numbers, and addresses. the Manuscripts soft copy should be uploaded to the Journal's site. The text should be typed using Microsoft Word including tables and captions. The illustration should be in separate sheets. The manuscript uploaded files can be sent only through the journal site. It is important that the file to be arranjed as journal's format.

 2. Types of Articles

Article will be published in the following categories:

  2-1. Research Papers:

  A full paper must be subdivided into sections e.g. Abtract, Introduction, Experimental Procedure, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. The research papers including tables and figures should be limited to 20 pages.

3. Manuscript Organization

The text should be written in English, clearly typed (font size 10 points) on one side of A4 paper and singel-spaced throughout with at least 2.5 cm margins. All the pages should be consecutively numbered.

Title page: In addition to a brief, descriptive, concise title of the Article (capital letters); the full name of the author(s), academic or professional affiliation and addresses should be included on the title page. The name and complete addresses including Telephone number, Fax number and E-mail address of the person to whom all correspondence to be send must be given on the title page. This page should not be numbered.

Formats: The length of a paper is limited to 20 pages maximum. In formatting your A4-size paper, the top margin should be set to 20mm, bottom margin to 25mm, left margin to 14mm and right margin to 15mm. The column width is 88mm with 5mm space between the two columns. Columns should be left and right justified. The heights of the last two columns of the paper should be equal. Don't forget to check the spelling. Regarding the spaces and paragraphs format, please attend to these important notes below:

• Before the Heading, formula, table and figure captions a 12 pt space should be apply exactly. Just after a formula, a 6 pt space should be applied too.

• Spacing between the paper's titles and authors names should be 30 pt exactly.

• Spacing between authors names with the word Abstract should be 36 pt exactly.

• Spacing between Abstract paragraph with Keywords should be 18 pt exactly. 

• Spacing between Keywords with Introduction should be 24 pt exactly.

• Keywords and Abstract paragraphs should start with 14 spaces from the left margin, as the other word, before text indentation value should be set to 1.2 cm. 

• Line spacing at paragraphs should be single. 

• There is no spacing between the Headings and Sub-headings (if they come after each other immediately).

• There is no spacing between Sub-heading and the related paragraph.

• In using the Bullets, the bullet sign is located at the beginning of the column exactly, and its paragraph starts at one column right, so there is no word under the bullet sign, for an instant example, check this guideline out.

• IJIEPR is earnestly excused in accepting the papers is with any other formats other than which described here, so it's very important to authors to pay attention to these notes carefully. 

• Do not use indent at the indentation beginning of a paragraph.

• In the appendix, the number of formula, table and figure start from 1.

4. Main Text

4-1. Headings: The manuscript should be divided into Introduction, Experimental procedure. Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, References, Tables, Figures and Figures legend. The introduction and conclusions are compulsory. Their headings should have numbers and they can include sub-division with relevant numbers.
4-2. Abstract and Keywords: Abstract is a concise summary of the whole paper and should briefly state the objective and approach and give the summary of results and conclusions drawn in one paragraph. The abstract is a brief (150-200 words) synopsis of your paper. Its use is to provide a quick outline of your presentation, giving the reader an overview of the research. This is an important aspect of your paper, as it is this description that may attract the reader to continue and finish your full report. In particular, the main contributions of the paper should be explicitly mentioned in the abstract. No citations or cross-references should be used there. Keywords should be so chosen that they best describe the contents of the paper .

4-3. Tables: Tables should be typed double-spaced on a separate sheet and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. A short descriptive caption should be given above each table and may have any footnotes and explanations underneath.
4-4. Figures: Figures should be numbered consecutively. All the illustrations (photos, diagrams, schematics) must be submitted in separate sheets and files suitable for reproduction. The image resolutions should not be less than 300 dpi. Please avoid any shading . Don't embed pictures in the text. Each graph should separately be prepared in Microsoft Excel program.
4-5. Equations: Number equations consecutively with equation numbers in parentheses flush with the right margin, as in Eq. (1). Be sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before the equation appears or immediately following. When you refer to equations in the text, refer to "Eq. (1)" or "Equation (1)" except at the beginning of a sentence. 

4-6. Citations & References: All publication cited in the text should be presented in the list of reference and vice versa . In the text, references should be given by numbers in order as they appear in the text by [].All the references should be given in the list of references in the order of their number as they appeared in the text . References must consist of names and initials of all authors, year and title of paper referred to, title of periodicals, volume and number of journal and first and last page numbers as follows: References to books, journal articles, articles in collections and conference or workshop proceedings, and technical reports should be listed at the end of the article in numbered order. Articles in preparation or articles submitted for publication, unpublished observations, personal communications, etc. should not be included in the reference list but should only be mentioned in the article text (e.g., T. Moore, personal communication).

References to books should include the author’s name; year of publication; title; page numbers where appropriate; publisher; place of publication, in the order given in the example below:

[1] Cotter, N.E., Guillerm, T.J., " The CMAC and a Theorem of Kolmogorov," Neural Networks, Vol. 5, 1992, pp. 221-228.

[2] Zhou, K., Doyle, J.C., Glover, K., Robust and Optimal Control, Prentice-Hall, Englewood cliffs, NJ, 1996.

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